Friday, October 15, 2004

wooooooo hoooooooooo!!! its friday!!!!!

see? i made it to friday - sweet! and i got to see my favorite patient today - that always puts a smile on my face, especially considering the day i'd had!

do you ever feel like you've had the worst day in the world? like you could scream and cry and throw up, all at the same time? i had that day today, and i really have no idea why...but a friend of mine made me feel much better, and i'm feeling like myself again. i suspect that that friend was standing in for the big kahuna himself, because i started reading some of my notes from church, and it hit me like a ton of bricks falling out of the sky. in the book of acts, paul goes before the san hedron, half of which are saducees (who didn't believe in the resurrection) and the other half were pharisees (who did believe in the resurrection), to stand up for the resurrection. he didn't get to finish his speech because the things he said caused a huge uproar, so he got sent back to his cell. later that evening, jesus HIMSELF stood next to paul because he needed his encouragement. today, i needed some serious encouragement, just to know that i wans't going to fall apart, and that yes, indeed, i am sane. my friend reached out to me, stood next to me, much like jesus did with paul. so, while he's not here physically, his presence is still all around me, through my friends. i think that's awesome. he stepped into my life through the presence of someone else and spoke those three magical words - 'peace, be still'. he may have physicaly left the planet that day on the cross, but he surely didn't leave me.

have you ever thought about the word 'grace'? what does it mean to you?

take care out there, people. and remember...always preach. use words when necessary.