Wednesday, July 27, 2005

so...yeah...i have a question

everyone i know is posting pics of themselves and their kids on their blogs...should i post mine??


Fred said...

It depends on what level of anonymity you desire. I suppose someone could really find me if they wanted to. But, I'm leaving my kids off the internet only because of the "cut and paste" function."

SassyFemme said...

If you have anything at all on here you don't want someone to know, even the tinyest of details, or a comment you've made, then don't do it. You have what city you live in on your profile. Profiles are searchable. If someone from your town was curious if anyone was blogging, they could search it and you would come up. Any anonymity you want would be lost. I haven't read past the first two entries on the current page, so I don't know what you've written about yourself, or your thoughts, etc... If everything you've written is something you don't mind every person in your town and all of your co-workers knowing, then go for it. If you want to share your picture with some readers that you've become friendly with, then you might want to email them your picture instead.

sparkydiva said...

thanks, you two. that was logic that i *needed* to hear, but hadn't really thought about. i appreciate it!

Robert_M said...

I tend to leave the kid off, but I'm paranoid.

Mike said...

We have posted pics of the kids, but the first hint of anything creepy and the pics are gone and the whole blog thing will just stop.

But I really only intended it as a way for grandparents to keep up with the kids when I started.