Sunday, February 05, 2006

i'm still here

hey, guys.

i haven't fallen off of the planet - i promise. i've been not-well, and spending a lot of time at my mother's. i'll be back soon, as soon as all of this is taken care of and i'm back of my proverbial feet again...keep your fingers crossed, and say a few prayers for me.

to all of my girls that i've "met" through miss jen *and jen* - i miss bantering with you guys. i think of you often, and i'll be back soon.



SassyFemme said...

Wishing you well soon!

Jen said...

We miss you too!!!

Mike said...

So have you fallen off the earth NOW?

Mike said...

How about now?

Jen said...

Yeah, sparky, come back!! It's June now!