Wednesday, August 31, 2005


i've been listening and reading about the this stage, there's no way to avoid it.

i lost everything i owned in 1999 thanks to hurricane floyd. but we were ok - we had family and friends and we took care of each other and, eventually, came out ok. so many of these people don't have that. i feel sorry...and i pray.

however...i heard something on the radio this morning that made me sit up in bed and cry. these people, in the coming days, will have to worry about death, disease, and ... alligators.

holy moly! that hadn't even occurred to me.

to all of the people on the east coast suffering from the after-effects of hurricane katrina - i lift you up in prayer. and i donate all of my extra money to the red cross.

for those of you reading this - please do the same.


Fred said...

I went through Hurricane Andrew. The storm lasted about eight hours. The misery lasted for eleven months.

Think of it. The 35th largest metropolitan area is now a ghost town. It will go down in history as one of the greatest disasters in U.S. history.

sparkydiva said...


i read an ad today asking for medical personnell to volunteer their time in baton rouge...i will be calling them tomorrow. perhaps i can help, in some small way.