Monday, December 26, 2005

coming soon to a blog near you...

harvey the wonder dog.

stay tuned...

Saturday, December 03, 2005


when do you say enough is enough? that you're tired of the lack of calls? that you're tired of your phone calls not being returned? that you're tired of it taking well into the next day for the plain and simple acknowledgement of YOUR phone call that went unanswered? long distance relationships are a bitch in the first place...when the phone is , temporarily, all you have, you either use it or get stuck in a place like this one.

(yes, guy, i can hear you laughing and i can hear you saying something about karma being a bitch...and it is.)

when, exactly, do you say i'm done?

i'll tell you now - i'm done.

...and work isn't getting any better, either.